Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Goals

My Personal Goals:

-Graduate from Brigham Young University Idaho in elementary education
-Marry a returned missionary in the temple
-If time and situation allows, go to law school to become an estate planning attorney
-always be honest in my everyday work and dealings
-keep close to all family members
-have a beautiful family
-teach at least one year on elementary school and one year of junior high
-learn how to change a flat tire
-read a book a month
-keep on doing family history work and pass the love of the work on to those around me
-always put 100% effort into my church callings
-keep a close relationship with my Father in Heaven

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Testimony

Testimony of Rachel Marie Matheny
March 2009

Taking family history has been an eye-opening experience. I have learned so much about my family and about myself. My testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel has blossomed.

I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. I know that he was chosen to restore this great and glorious gospel. I know that Joseph Smith was given a not-so-easy task and he met his highest potential. I know that because of his efforts and love for God and all mankind, I can live with my family forever. I know that I can have an eternal family some day and that is biggest goal in my life. I know that the temple is the House of the Lord. I know that what goes on in there is sacred and beautiful.

I know that Heavenly Father loves me and knows me personally. I know that he loves every child of his. He is there for all of us whenever we may need him. I testify that truth comes from the Holy Ghost.

I know that the greatest gift of God is eternal families and eternal life. I would invite everyone to partake in the marvelous feast of this gospel and family history. I know it has blessed my life in uncountable ways. I know these things are true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.